Text to Give

Text to Give

Donations are essential to making the United Way impact possible in our community. In 2018, our generous donors allowed 514 children to participate in a leadership program through after school programming, 205 youth received mental health assessments, 10 families...
Big Picture Impact

Big Picture Impact

Our family chooses United Way for many reasons.  However, one of the main reasons United Way is so important in my life is because I see the impact it has on our community each day.  I have been teaching in Laramie County School District #1 for 13 years and have...
Food Truck Rally

Food Truck Rally

We are thrilled to be back at the Cheyenne Depot Plaza hosting our famous United Way of Laramie County Food Truck Rally this summer! Come on out for some delicious food and to support a great cause! Follow our event on Facebook to see which vendors will be joining us...
Summer Food Program

Summer Food Program

As the school year comes to an end, we want children and families to continue to have access to meals. The Free Summer Food Program will run from June 13 – August 2. Download the flyer for locations, times, and additional information.  Download Flyer Categories...
Small Business Rally

Small Business Rally

There’s no such thing as too small to make a difference! That’s why a partnership between United Way of Laramie County and small business is so important to Laramie County. We know small businesses can have a significant impact on our community when they work...