United Way of Laramie County’s Community Schools Initiative put on a health and safety fair on Feb. 19 at Hebard Elementary and Feb. 20 at Cole Elementary. The event boasted over 20 local well-being agencies with a focus on improving families overall health and safety. The event brought in 147 individuals who attended the event for an opportunity to engage with and learn about the health-related agencies present. One of the vendors present, Crystal Cox School and Child Care Coordinator Wyoming Department of Health Immunization Unit, Public Health Division , was thrilled about the opportunity to be a part of the event and stated, “The more exposure we have to families to get meaningful and correct information into their hands the higher the opportunity our parents have to make informed educated decisions for the best interest of their children and themselves.”
Community Schools main objective is to make it possible for students to be able to come to school ready to learn, free of concerns from outside negative influences. We know that healthy engaged families are more likely to have children that succeed and do well in school, hence the importance of events such as this.
Below are the agencies in attendance at our health fair. For more information on the work of these agencies or to seek out resources, check out their websites.
- Family Promise
- UW Family Medicine
- Cent$ible Nutrition
- Enroll Wyoming
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters
- Division of Vocational Rehab
- Healthworks
- Laramie Co. Sheriff’s Office
- Safe Kids Wyoming
- Grace for 2Brothers
- Wyoming Operation Lifesaver
- Laramie Co. Health Department
- Peak Wellness
- American Red Cross
- Kid Care CHIP
- Wyoming 211
- US Forest Service
- Affinity Family Practice
- Dept of Health/Immunizations
- Boys and Girls Club
A huge thank you to Chick-fil-A for donating food for those in attendance and to Cheyenne Frontier Days for donating CFD Rodeo tickets to every guest!
Amazing things happen when we all #LiveUnited.
To support United Way of Laramie County and ensure more events like this can take place, donate today!