We are just one week away from kicking off the campaign. Our campaign chairs, Dr. Danielle and Jess Ryan, have done an amazing job to get us ready for the launch.
I am grateful to our dedicated staff, our board members, and all the volunteers in the community who help us with conducting campaigns at their places of employment. We are also fortunate to have a multitude of sponsors supporting the work we do.
We filmed a television commercial yesterday. If all goes well, the commercial will be fully prepared and will be released next Thursday. That is the same day our campaign kicks off as well. Many thanks to Charles Schwab for purchasing this airtime for United Way.
We are still selling raffle tickets for the hog raffle. Contact the United Way office if you need tickets. That drawing will take place on September 11. We appreciate the donation from AA Livestock to make this raffle possible. We are also grateful to the Burns Lions Club for partnering with us in this project.
If you have recuperated from Cheyenne Frontier Days, there are still some fun things to do. The 71st Pine Bluffs Trail Days began today and goes through the weekend. Check out their Facebook page for a schedule of events. You can also consider having some fun at the Laramie County Fair going on now through August 14. https://www.laramiecountyevents.com/fair/
Enjoy these days of summer!
Vernon Dobelmann
Executive Director